12 Useful Tips on How to Keep Yourself Warm While Camping

    Tent camping is a great family outdoor activity around the world. In fact, the number of campers who camp at least three times a year surged by 64% since 2014. Also, around 4 million families went camping for the first time in 2018. In the United States, approximately 28 million Americans camped during the year.

    Are you planning to go tent camping with your family to have fun and bond with them? Your kids will surely enjoy exploring the wild and doing fun activities during the day. However, they may end up shivering at night if you fail to prepare for this scenario.

    Things to Consider to Keep Yourself Warm During Camp Nights

    Your kids may experience difficulty sleeping due to cold weather at night. Insufficient sleep may result in dizziness and lack of energy during the daytime that may ruin your activities. To avoid this scenario, here are some tips to keep yourself and your children warm at night to get a pleasant sleep:

    • Make sure to have a steady supply of hot water – Bring a hot water bottle, along with cooking utensils, to ensure you have a dependable source of heat in case you need it.
    • Consider bringing down insulation, especially if you go camping in cold temperatures – Down insulation can keep you warm throughout the night, so invest in it. You may also consider high-quality synthetic sleeping bag fillings as alternatives.
    • Layer up as soon as the sun sets down – Don’t wait for yourself or your kids to feel cold before layering up. It can disrupt your sleep, and it will take time before you get your sleep again.
    • Wear appropriate thermals – To make sure you are warm all night, wear long-sleeve tops and long-johns or leggings, particularly if you camp in the autumn, early spring, or winter.
    • Make yourself warm before going to bed – Have a warm drink or do light exercises before going to bed to increase your core temperature.
    • Consider insulating your tent with rugs or carpets – Put insulation between the flooring and the ground to stop cold from entering through the floor.
    • Bring thick, fleecy thermal blankets – Buy extra blankets at tent camping shops near you. These extras can make a difference in chilly temperatures.
    • Consider using self-inflating mats (SIM) rather than double-height air beds – Good quality SIMs can help maintain your body temperature. Meanwhile, air beds may be comfortable but could be cold at night.
    • Use portable heaters with extra care – Practice extreme safety precautions when using electric or gas heaters to avoid accidents.
    • Set up the right size of tent for your family – Make sure your tent is not too big to minimize heat loss.
    • Bring several disposable heat packs – These items can provide a sufficient amount of heat to keep you warm if you can no longer tolerate the cold temperature. Pop a couple in your hoody or sleeping bag and go on a sound slumber.
    • Sleep with the right type of sleeping bag – Invest in a quality sleeping bag designed for cold weather to make sure your sleep will not be disrupted in the middle of the night due to chills.

    Outdoor recreations like tent camping is an enjoyable relaxation activity for you and your family. Don’t let a bad experience dampen the enthusiasm of your kids. Consider the tips above to make sure all of you will have a good time and feel excited about your next adventure.

    I have spent the past 15 years in the travel industry. Today focused on promoting different ways of traveling, I'm in the process of creating few travel websites, which will be launched shortly. I have a great passion for travel and the travel industry. My goal here atTtripOutlook is to connect to other proffessionals in the travel industry and to exchange experience.

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