Norwegian Chocolatier Uses Lit Forest Trails to Advertise New Dark Chocolate Bar

    With stunning mountain views, lush forests and woodland, exquisite views of the spectacular Northern Lights and a number of things to see and do from exploring ancient Norwegian history to shopping until you drop, Norway should definitely be a country that’s on the bucket list of any serious world traveller. With plenty to see by both land and water, if you get the chance to visit Norway, there are plenty of great reasons why you should jump at it. And, as if all that wasn’t enough, recently, art and nature have been brought together to create a stunning Norwegian forest atmosphere that you won’t find anywhere else.


    Stunning Walks and Scenery

    One of the main reasons to visit Norway is to see and experience some of the stunning nature in the country. Norway is home to some of the most stunning and spectacular hiking trails in Europe, with forests and woodland to explore both in the day and during the night. Hiking and walking in the woods is a popular hobby enjoyed by many Norwegians, with so many stunning destinations in the country to explore. Creative designers worked on behalf of popular Norwegian chocolate company Freia in order to create a stunning lit trail throughout a forest just outside of the country’s capital city, Oslo. The team spent a full day setting up the light installation throughout the forest in order to ensure that it was ready for nightfall.

    Extending Time Spent With Nature

    To Norwegians, being able to spend as much time with nature as possible is something that is incredibly important. The natural settings of the country play a huge part in its heritage and history, with ancient stories of fantasy creatures such as trolls, fairies, elves and more well-known throughout every area of the land. The main aim of the project carried out by Freia was not only as part of a campaign to demonstrate how darkness can be fun and exciting in order to market their new dark chocolate option of their signature bar, it was also an awesome experiment to see whether or not art and nature could be brought together to beat the longer nights and extend the amount of time that you can spend in the great outdoors.

    Appealing to Hikers

    As a country that has a rich history of hiking and exploring, Norway places a lot of value on the country’s natural beauty, and many Norwegians are passionate about both exploring and preserving the natural wonder that is their homeland. It’s no surprise, then, that Freia chose a forest setting for their marketing campaign – hiking through the woods has long been a traditional Norwegian pastime, and Freia’s classic chocolate bar, the Kvikk Lunsj, has been a firm favourite amongst Norwegian and tourist hikers since the 1930’s.

    Why cut your walk short when you can simply light up the pathway? Freia successfully used Norway’s stunning natural beauty to demonstrate how art, nature and creativity make an awesome combination.

    I have spent the past 15 years in the travel industry. Today focused on promoting different ways of traveling, I'm in the process of creating few travel websites, which will be launched shortly. I have a great passion for travel and the travel industry. My goal here atTtripOutlook is to connect to other proffessionals in the travel industry and to exchange experience.

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